Orgone Energy Devices

What is Orgone Energy?
Orgone (ˈȯr-ˌgōn) Energy is a term for the quintessential universal energy. The term “orgone” was coined by Dr. Wilhelhm Reich (ʀaɪç), while conducting research into understanding what makes living things work.
Orgone has been called by many names, both in recent and ancient times, including: Life Force, Chi, Prana, Ether, Zero-Point Energy, Torsion Fields, Tesla Radiation, scalar wave energy, the source field, etc.
Orgone Energy is a force that is generated naturally by all things, especially living things, and is fundamental to the existence of biological life, and matter itself. It is attracted to organic (carbon based) materials and moves through or is reflected by inorganic material (metals, etc.).
Orgone Energy comes in two states:
A Positive Orgone field, which tends to facilitate a reverse of “entropy” (Entropy is the tendency of increasing disorder, and chaos, such as, things breaking down etc. So a reverse of entropy is when things collect or self-organize, and flow in harmony. Technically, the law of entropy allows for things to become more organize but tends toward disorder.), and……
A Negative or “Deadly” Orgone field, is highly entropic, and harmful to all life, for its tendency to decrease ones vitality and may lead to illness.
From this, Reich called these POR and DOR, for Positive Orgone, and Deadly Orgone, respectively.
One way to further describe this is in the tradition of Chinese medicine: “Chi”. When Chi energy is flowing naturally it is beneficial and healthy, this would be the same as POR. When Chi is not flowing properly in the body and is “stuck”, it is unhealthy and causes problems and dis-ease. This stuck Chi would be the same as DOR.
POR enhances overall health, as well as all biological and environmental processes. It doesn’t force anything to directly happen, but facilitates the natural processes of life.
Orgone is not part of the traditional “Hertzian” Electromagnetic spectrum (EM), taught in a science
How do Orgone Devices work?
All Orgone devices made in the method used here(metal, resin, quartz, etc.), turn nearby DOR into POR, and re-emit the POR to the environment. Orgone devices such as these are always emitting only positive orgone energy, or POR. Orgone devices also transform all other forms of energy, namely Electromagnetic(“E.M.”) energy, into a state that will not interfere with the body’s own EM and subtle energy fields, and rather becomes harmonious with the body as all of nature.
Orgonite works by attracting nearby energy with the resin/metal matrix which absorbs and collects those fields inside the device. The resin and metals create an energetic tension that neutralizes the energy and then the quartz aligns and charges the energy to its own organized, fractal, structure. The crystal is under pressure inside the resin, which causes what is known in science as the piezoelectric effect. This helps to transform the energy into POR and then the energy is re-emitted from the device to the environment.
Orgone devices also emit “negatively charged” ions(think of air fresheners!). “Negative” in terms of electrical charge, not in terms of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’. In scientific terms, “negatively charged” ions are beneficial to health. So, this may lead to confusion. A “negative” electric charge is healthy for you, so we say POR for positive Etheric/Orgone energy, —positive in a qualitive/Etheric/Orgone sense — meaning that it is beneficial, though the electric charge is classified as a minus ‘-’ or negative in the quantitative/electrical sense.
Orgonite has so many uses that there are too many to list them all. Basically, it is beneficial to all life processes, in addition to:
Balancing the weather
Reducing the effects of pollution on living things
Facilitation the Earth’s natural ability to dissipate pollution and toxins, as well as ionizing radiation
Helping plants to grow and be more robust and healthy
Reducing the harmful effects of EM radiation from any electronic devices such as
Computers/laptops/iPads/eReaders/bluetooth devices
Wi-Fi routers & devices
Cell Phones
Cellular towers & ‘repeaters’
Electrical power lines, transformers, & power stations
E.L.F./G.W.E.N. towers
“Smart meters” (digital wireless utility meters on buildings)
Building wiring and all appliances (which give off harmful 60hz frequency of EMFs as well as transient voltages/”dirty electricity”)
…. and more!
Orgone devices accomplish this without interfering with or preventing these other electronic devices from functioning, because it does not block the energy/signal, but transforms it into a harmless, or even beneficial state.
The Cloudbuster / Chembuster
To balance the weather, clear pollution, help the local ecosystem, clear Geo-engineering pollution, and ionospheric manipulation (HAARP and related technologies). Contact us for a quote.
Tower Buster
Place near power lines, or cell phone towers and similar towers to transmute and transform the energy to a harmless state. (Available with or without ORMUS nano-metal powder.) These can also be placed in the home.
$45 - $50 ea. (with Ormus) $30 - $40 ea. (no Ormus)
Standard Pendants currently available are in two styles. The first type uses stones that are primarily red/orange, including garnet, red jasper, carnelian, Baltic amber, as well as some amethyst, selenite, quartz, black tourmaline, and calcite. The other type is a blue/green theme, using blue kyanite, labradorite, and sodalite, and peridot, as well as the quartz, calcite, selenite, and black tourmaline. No two pendants are identical, since each piece is made by hand.
These pieces can also be made without a cord/bale, so they can be carried in a pocket, purse, or bag, etc., since some people prefer to not wear jewelry. The first two pictures below, show pieces that no have a cord/bale.
Keep in the home in each room or grid around the house to protect you from the effects of the electronic devices and power lines, etc.
Each pyramid is a unique custom creation! No two are the same. Contact us for a quote.
Vesica Pisces
Premium Pendants
Our premium pendants contain, both magnetically structured nano-metals as well as O.R.M.E.S (Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements...sometimes called “ORMUS”), which includes mono-atomic gold!
$150 ea.
Flower Of Life
Sri Yantra
Platonic Forms
The five forms of geometry that are utterly unique 3D shapes, attributed to the Philosopher who popularized them, Plato. Each represent the basic elemental energies of nature.
The Tetrahedrom - Fire
The Cube - The Earth
The Octahedrom - Air
The Icosahedrom - Water
The Dodecahedron - Spirit or Aether (Orgone!)
We are offering The Five Platonic Forms made into Orgone devices. They can be purchased for $75 each.
If you purchase the whole set, regularly $375, you get $30 off, at only $345
Flower Of Life Orb
Flower of Life Orb
Metatron’s Cube
Home Pyramid
64-Tetrahedron Grid
3D Torus
The premium pendants also contain “Noble”/Type 1 Shungite Carbon Fullerenes, Orgone-generating “Rhodizite” Garnet, as well as several other very powerful ingredients to make these the most powerful Orgone devices possible, in a small pendant. (about 1 1/4” diameter.)
(aka, Hexahedron)