EMF Consulting & Solutions

We offer a unique and empowering consultation service in your own home / place of business. We do an in-depth assessment of your levels of wireless electromagnetic radiation, as well as magnetic fields, electric fields, dirty electricity, and unhealthy types of lights, such as CFL / fluorescent bulbs, LED and WiFi LED ‘smart’ bulbs. We can even measure 5G millimeter waves up to 40 GHz (Including: Verizon ultra-wideband 28 GHz, and AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint at 39GHz.).
(Our meters allow us to measure many other EMF sources as well, such as from newer cars with adaptive cruise control and autopilot / lane assist, which also uses millimeter waves. Radar and other traffic-related technology can also be measured.) Research shows that these artificial fields are harmful to our health in various ways. We also asses the level of EMF radiation that your body absorbs using a body voltage meter. This gives a better understanding of how much the radiation is actually affecting you.
We provide strategies to reduce, or even eliminate many
common sources of electric fields, magnetic fields,
and EMF radiation exposure sources.
Step by step strategies that fit your needs.
We will help you swap out your wireless devices
and replace them with safer alternatives such as:
Wired high speed internet
Wired connections to your computer and other devices to connect to the internet and more….
We will give you the knowledge, from our over 20 years of independent research experience, as well as our expertise with professional equipment and meters to get an accurate picture of your situation, and provide you with specific steps to resolve most or all of your EM interference issues.
We also offer our Orgone Devices, and advise you on how they can help support making your home safer from EMF and other harmful fields. Since it is best to remove sources of EMF first, we typically leave the Orgone devices for last after doing all other types of mitigation.
We will also recommend other products and techniques to get your home to be the best space possible for your health and well being. This includes EMF shielding paint, dirty electricity filters(“dirty power”/voltage transients), which also may reduce your electric bill over time, and scramble the digital surveillance data that is sent to your smart meter as it tries to invade your privacy. There are also Faraday cages and bags, insulated wiring (for electric fields), low EMF corded phones and more…..
We provide follow up consults to check in and make sure everything is going well for you, and provide additional advice and feedback for any questions you may have.
Most EMF consultants do not have a technical or scientific background (Often they will have some alt health or nutrition or other holistic background and simply take a certification class in EMF consulting.) Ken Goellner has a degree in physics, from Ramapo College of NJ (2003), and understands the science of electromagnetic fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, and other electromagnetic interference. He has independently studied how these fields can harm our health and has an array of solutions to work with your specific situation that will also fit your needs and lifestyle.
World-class Aaronia Spectran Gauss-meter / E-Field spectrum analyzer / meter for assessing electric fields and magnetic fields from power lines, wiring and other AC devices and appliances. (Made in Germany)
Common sources of EMFs, and EM Interference:
AC magnetic field emissions from a computer monitor.
One of our meters for assessing the EMF radiation from the many wireless devices in our tech-saturated world, from WiFi, cell phones, smart watches, personal assistants, wireless security systems, smart home devices, smart thermostats, wireless door cameras, cell towers, Bluetooth devices, wireless earbuds, wireless printers, and computer peripherals, cordless phones, 5G devices, and more, is the FM5-C meter.
This EMF meter ( The FM5C, at emf-protection.co.uk/product/new-fm5-meter ) is capable of detecting a broad range of devices that use frequencies ranging from about 0.9GHz to 10GHz, and also is capable of detecting the new high band 5G frequencies from 24 to 32GHz (millimeter waves). Most other EMF meters cannot match this capability. This meter allows us to locate almost any radiation source by detecting where signals are strongest. This also helps to ensure the effectiveness of our shielding and remediation solutions that we incorporate to ensure your home is safe from EMF.
Screenshots of spectrum analyzer readings on a computer.
AC electric fields detected near electronics,
inside a home.
The FM5-C
AC magnetic field from wiring inside a home.
We perform body-voltage testing using very sensitive and accurate, professional RMS multi-meter / voltmeter. Each person may have a somewhat different response to electronic interference and EMF in their homes. The body-voltage meter allows us to directly measure the impact of the fields on your body and determine when levels have been lowered enough to be safe for your health. The meter allows us to detect the AC fields and interference that the body absorbs, by directly measuring the alternating voltage on the skin using this meter. The ground is connected to the Earth outside the home and the other test lead is held by the client, to see how much Interference they are being exposed to and is affecting their body, which could negatively impact their health over time if the fields are not mitigated down to safe levels. This meter allows us to ensure your health is protected.
The Safe and Sound Pro 5G mmWave EMF meter
(Accurately detects 20 GHz - 40 GHz w/ stub antenna, and 25 GHz - 39.5 GHz w/ high-gain horn antenna.)
Accurate within 2.5dB
Accurate within 6dB
The most commonly used 5G frequencies in the detection range: 24GHz, 28GHz, 39GHz.
5G mmWave meter calibration data:
Max detection range: 18 GHz - 40GHz
with stub
antenna, 24 - 40GHz with horn antenna
↑ click to watch video ↑ youtube.com/watch?v=Zt0j75vqWUg
Ken talks about his consultations for mitigating the many sources of electronic interference in our modern world. (Tucson, February 2023)
We also have another set of professional EMF meters with even greater capability to detect various sources of EMF…
The Safe and Sound Pro II EMF meter
(High accuracy at 500 MHz - 6.2 GHz. Good for detecting smart meters’ pulsed EMFs.)
Safe & Sound Pro II EMF meter, lab calibration data.
500 - 1200, 1900,
400-500, 1800, 3400, 3800, 6800, 7200
1500 - 1700
accurate w/in 6 dB
2900-3300, 4200-6200, accurate within 2.5dB
When ordering products from Satic Shield, remember to use our affiliate discount code, to get 15% off, when you call Satic! (406) 493 - 1861
code: KenG15
To purchase Satic dirty Electricity filters or lighting, call:
(406) 493 - 1861
Dirty electricity is interference that runs along the wiring and power lines and causes fluctuations in the electric fields near those wires, which has been shown to affect our health in a negative way. It has been linked to various issues including cancer. Dirty electricity refers to several factors including: voltage transients, harmonic distortion, or bad power quality, etc. It can be caused by devices inside the home, as well as originate from neighbors homes, or even the electric company itself. Some devices that are common sources of dirty electricity, are many of the modern “smart” devices like digital electricity meters on our homes and other buildings, as well as certain types of lights, from CFLs, and tube fluorescent lights, and most LEDs, to devices that use motors, and switching-mode power supplies. Dirty electricity can be caused by wiring errors inside the walls of the home as well. Another source of dirty electricity is a certain type of alternative to typical internet service, is called internet over power-line.
Finally, another source of dirty electricity is some of the equipment used with solar panels on the home. The inverter that converts the electricity from the solar panel, into a usable AC current for you home, is typically a problem, especially if the inverter is using a ‘modified sine wave’ instead of the ‘pure sine wave’ inverter.
Dirty electricity can seem confusing and has various aspects, however we can asses your home with a dedicated dirty electricity meter, and if a problem is detected, we offer the best solutions for reducing the dirty electricity down to safe levels using world class filters that are more effective and efficient than other types of D.E. filters available.
Once your home has had the dirty electricity reduced to safe levels, your health is not the only benefit. Lower dirty electricity levels will help your appliances and devices run cooler overall in most cases.
We offer two types of filters for dirty electricity. A filter that reduces overall interference coming into the home and some reduction of indoor sources. And individual plug-in units that can help reduce DE from certain appliances and devices inside the home.
We also asses the lights in your home, and if needed, we will recommend changing your lights for low D.E. lighting. Typically, this will be either the traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs, or the Satic Shield brand LED lights, which don’t create dirty electricity.
Sometimes there are wiring errors in the home, we can also check for this, and if there is an issue we will bring in an electrician to help you resolve the problem.
Schedule your EMF consultation today!
Sometimes we get readings which are extremely high and it must be resolved ASAP.
The reading to the left shows 1,828,382 uW/m^2 (units are micro-watts per square meter.)
Readings over 1,000 uW/m^2 are already considered an extreme risk to your health! Healthy levels should be under 3 uW/m^2 for daytime exposure according to Building Biology standards which we use, and recommend. (At night, for sleeping areas, readings should be 0.1 uW/m^2 or less)
Building Biology guidelines info sheet: safelivingtechnologies.com/content/Education/EMF-Exposure-Guidelines-For-Sleeping-Areas.pdf